Wall-E Easter Eggs


Watched Wall-E last Tuesday with the J2 Photog people. We missed the first 5mins, which was a shame because I read somewhere that Wall-E was the X in “PIXAR” during the intro of the makers of the movie. Would be nice to know how the introduction was like.

Anyway, if you have watched the movie already, you would already know that it is full of references to many many things, including other PIXAR movies, Apple and even real-life events.

Wikipedia has an entry on this but compared to the following link, it might as well not have written anything at all.

Spoilers after the break.

CONTAINS SPOILERS: Wall-E Easter Eggs compiled by /film and commenters

As if the list compiled by /film is not comprehensive enough, commenters to the entry provide even more references that they have spotted, though some are really too far-fetched.

Some include:

1. Apple: Mac Start up Sound when Wall-E charges up, Leopard Wallpaper-like rays when Eve scans for lifeform, iPod on top of Wall-E’s TV etc.
2. Spaceship crashes through Sputnik, the first man-made satellite ever launched, while going through the huge mass of satellites.
3. Reference to other Pixar movies: Wall-E throws away the Piston Cup from Cars, Skinner’s (from Ratatouille) scooter among the trash, Pizza Delivery Truck from just about every Pixar film ever made, ‘A113’ also appears in every Pixar film ever made.

Click on the link to read more.

Till the next time, it’s me, woonie, signing off.

2 Responses to “Wall-E Easter Eggs”

  1. Robbie Says:

    Also, when Wall-E first opens his truck/garage, between the 2 bowling pins, Rex, from Toy Story, is shown. There’s supposedly Ham in there too, but it has make up and am not sure it’s the same thing. I had to take a double take on the “Piston Cup” but now that I have the DVD, i froze the frame on that scene and it’s not a Piston Cup. Looked more like a standard BnL trophy.

  2. Robbie Says:

    Mac Mice can also be found about 1:12 into the movie after EVE falls down the trash shoot.

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